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  1. 10 years of IJCCC

    #13; INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL (IJCCC) Dear Acad. Florin Gheorghe Filip, Dear Members of Editorial Board... read more

  2. Meetings with LOTFI A. ZADEH

    #13; Celebrating 90th birthday of Dr.H.C. Lotfi A. Zadeh at “Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad   Lotfi A. Zadeh , born on February 4, 1921, is a famous... read more

Professor Ioan DZIŢAC, Ph.D.


    Personal data: 

    Family name/ Birth name: DZIŢAC IOAN
    Date and place of birth: 14.02.1953, Poienile de sub Munte, Maramureş, Romania
    Civil status: Married with Simona
    Personal address: Oradea, Grigore Ureche, 19,  E-mail:
    Academic studies: Mathematics (UBB Cluj Napoca, 1977)
    Scientific title: Doctor (Ph.D.) in Information Sciences (UBB Cluj Napoca, 2002)
    Didactic grade: Professor (UAV Arad, 2009)
    Personal webpage:

    Prof. Ioan Dzitac, Ph.D., Senior Member of IEEE (since 2011), is a mathematics and information sciences professor at Agora University of Oradea (since  2017) and at Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad  (since 2009) and Rector of Agora University of Oradea  (2012-2016) and (2016-2020). 

    He was Adjunct Professor at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences - Beijing, China (2013-2016) and since 2016 is an Advisory Board Member at Graduate School of Management of Technology, Hoseo University.

    He received B.Sc.(eq.M.Sc.) in Mathematics (1977) and Ph.D. in Information Sciences (2002) from Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj - Napoca, Romania (University Place in Top Shanghai: 101-150; Academic Ranking of World Universities in Mathematics - 2013).
    His current research interests include different aspects of artificial intelligence, applications of fuzzy logic in technology and economy.

    He is co-founder and A. Editor-in-Chief of an ISI SCI Expanded quoted journal (2006), International Journal of Computers Communications & Control (nominee by Elsevier for Journal Excellence Award -Scopus Awards Romania2015) and member in Editorial Board of 8 scientific journals. Also he is co-founder and General Chair of International Conference on Computers Communications and Control and he was member of the Program Committee of more than 60 international conferences.

    He was an invited speaker and/or invited special sessions’ organizer and chair in China (2013: Beijing, Suzhou and Chengdu, 2015: Dalian, 2016: Beijing), India (2014: Madurai), Russia (2014: Moscow), Brazil (2015: Rio), Lithuania (2015: Druskininkai), South Korea (2016: Asan).

    He has published 3 books, 12 courses and materials for students, 5 conference proceedings and more than 70 scientific papers in journals and conferences proceedings.

    Actual academic positions:   

    1. Professor at  "Aurel Vlaicu" University of Arad 
    2. Rector of Agora University of Oradea
    3. Director of research center
    4. Directorof master program

    Institutional address 1:

    Universitatea "Aurel Vlaicu" din Arad, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Exacte
    Departamentul de Matematică-Informatică
    Complex M, str. Elena Drăgoi, Nr. 2, Cabinet 81, Tel. 0257-219000.
    Email: ioan.dzitac@

    Institutional address 2

    Agora University of  Oradea, Romania
    410526 Oradea, Piaţa Tineretului, Nr.8 
    Tel: +40 259 427 398, +40 259 472 513, Fax:+40 259 434 925
    Tel./Fax: +40 359 101 032, Mobile: +40 722 562 053
    Email: rector@

    Teaching (Bachelor, 2009-present):

    1. Computational Logic
    2. Artificial Intelligence
    3. Distributed systems

    Teaching (Master, 2010-present):

    1. Integrated Information Systems (ERP)
    2. Distributed Systems in Internet

    School of Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China 

    • Invited lecture: "From Kelvin to Zadeh: Hard Computing vs. Soft Computing" (May 14,  2013)
    • Invited lecture: "Fuzzy Logic in Decision Making", 2016 Big Data Symposium (August 11-14, 2016)
    • Adjunct Professor of the School of Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (May 2013- May 2016)

    School of Business Administration, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu, China

    • Invited lecture: "From Hard Computing to Soft Computing" (May 19, 2013)

    Organizer and Chair of a Special Sessions at ITQM:

    1. ITQM2013 (Suzhou, China;
    2. ITQM2014 (Moscow, Russia):
    3. ITQM2015 (Rio, Brazil);
    4. ITQM2016 (Asan, Soth Korea).

    Awards (a selection):

    1. Excellency Diploma for Research (Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, 2016)
    2. Excellency Diploma for Research (Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, 2015)
    3. Senior Member IEEE Plaque, (IEEE Computational Society, 2011)
    4. Excellency Diploma for Software Project  (Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad, 2010)
    5. Professor of the Year (Agora University of Oradea, 2008)
    6. Popularity Award (Bucharest, 2006

    Professional membership:

    1. Senior Member of IEEE (2011-present)
    2. IEEE Computational Intelligence Society Member
    3. ROMAI: Societatea Română de Matematică Aplicată si Industrială (Vice - President)
    4. SRAIT-Societatea Română de Automatică şi Informatică Tehnică - Filiala Arad (Secretary)
    5. RNG-ISCB:  Romanian National Group of International Society for Clinical Biostatistics 
    6. SSMAR - Societatea Ştiinţifică de Management din România 
    7. AFER-Departamentul 3
    8. Member in International Advisory Board of Kalasalingam University, India
    9. Member in Advisory Committee of Graduate School of Management of Technology in Hoseo University of Asan -South Korea.

    Editorial membership:

    1. International Journal of Computers, Communications & Control (IJCCC): fondator revistă cotată ISI, editor şef adjunct
    2. Financial Innovation, Springer,
    3. Journal of System and Management Sciences, Beijing Jiatong University, China,
    4. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, Bacau, Romania (BRAIN) (Editorial Board)
    5. Mathematics, Informatics, Physics Series - Bulletin of PG University of Ploiesti (BMIF) (Editorial Board)
    6. Theory and Applications in Mathematics and Computer Science, Arad, Romania (Associate Editor)
    7. Scientific and Technical Bulletin, Series: Electrotechnics, Electronics, Automatic Control and Computer Science, Arad, Romania: Editorial Board
    8. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, The International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, US: JSCI
    9.  Business, Management and Education, ISSN 2029-7491, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania: Editorial Board
    10. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing:



    1. Mathematics Genealogy Project
    2. Ad-Astra
    3. Wikipedia
    4. Dicţionar de matematicieni români de pretundindeni, pag. 159
    5. Who's Who in the World, 2011, pag. 691

    Scientific activities /Publications and Citations

    1. Works (Papers & Books & Projects): HTML
    2. Member in International Conferences Committees: HTML
    3. ISI Web of Science RID (h-index  ISI)
    4. Scopus (h-index Scopus)
    5. GoogleScholar
    6. Semantic Scholar
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